Exactly five years ago, after the presidential elections in our country in March 2006, I was the first to publicly send a congratulatory message to Yayi Boni for his victory. I did it just 15 minutes after the proclamation of results by the Constitutional Court, to the surprise of much of the national public opinion, creating in our country and even in our sub-region, a precedent which honors our democracy.
I did this for two main reasons that I would like to unfold today.
I did it first, because as a man of peace, I wanted to stifle the signals of anger and frustration initiated by part of the population, some of whom were subtly encouraged to challenge the results .
I did it then because as a Democrat by conviction, not expediency, it occurred in the analysis of all operations before and after election, that despite the imperfections of the system, the voting was fair and transparent and that results were consistent with the voters' choice: my commitment to continue the democratic process which our country undertook in 1990, prevailed over all other considerations.
I remain a man of peace and I am a democrat by conviction. And again, my convictions were forged through trials, and not in the cozy air-conditioned offices or timeliness matrimonial alliances.
There is no peace without justice; there is no democracy without transparency and sincerity.
The election on March 13, 2011 was an unfair election in all its phases, from the constitution of the electoral list to the announcement of results: exclusion of hundreds of thousands of Beninese from voting, unacceptable to the point that the head of State presented flat and unnecessary apology.
Organization of massive fraud from false reports to fictitious poll and delivery of truck of envelops counting exceeding deadline and unsealed.
Counting and tabulation of results without any care of transparency; the President of the CENA has become an appendage of the Presidency.
The results declared by the Constitutional Court and confirming all the foregoing are further evidence of the great conspiracy against democracy in our country.
I will never accept these results. I reject them as null and void. This fight is not a man’s fight. At this stage of my life, my major concern is to serve and defend the values we hold dear; this fight is that of our people against the planned liquidation of democracy.
I won this election. I am the President elect of Benin.
I have already taken initiatives in consultation with officials of UN, so that together we draw consequences of the present situation
I invite all political parties and party alliances, all candidates, all unions, all organizations of civil society, all voters, all Beninese to oppose by every means at their disposal, the liquidation of the achievements of the National Conference
Long live democracy!
Long live Benin
Copyright, Blaise APLOGAN, 2010,© Bienvenu sur Babilown
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