Dear fellow Nigerians Letter of Invitation to Nigerians.
As we are all aware, our homeland, Nigeria, is passing through a myriad of social, economic, religious, political, and other ethnic problems threatening its stability and corporate existence as a viable nation. These problems are the cumulative dividends of over 50 years of failed leadership which successive military and civilian administrations have never quite figured out how to resolve and develop the national economy for the benefit of the citizenry.
Since the country�s independence in 1960, corruption has spread its hydra headed tentacles over the land: Merit has been thrown to the winds, and conditions close to anarchy have been let loose on innocent, unsuspecting, helpless citizens. The current political structures have only served the interests of a greedy and corrupt few. Education, widely recognized as the greatest social equalizer in other societies, has been totally ignored. Nigerian medical facilities remain ill-equipped, poorly staffed, and neglected because the powerful and nouveau riche routinely patronize medical facilities in America, Europe, India and Saudi Arabia whenever they experience ill-health. Yet they don�t stop to question the enabling environments in which those medical facilities have thrived.
The Nigerian Airways and the Nigerian Railways corporations have been literally �exploited to death� by corrupted politics. Nigeria has not laid a single new rail line since independence and the transport sector remains underdeveloped. The contracts for many roads in Nigeria have been awarded many times by succeeding governments only for the roads to remain unmotorable. Nigerians feel no necessity to take driving lessons and pass a driving test before going behind the wheels. The result is the carnage on our Roads which leaves Nigeria with the worst Road traffic statistics in the world.
Religious differences that ought to be celebrated and tolerated as a symbol of dynamic social order have been hijacked by those with a rigid, uncompromising viewpoint and theological interpretations that seek to alienate a majority of the citizens of other faiths. Equal protection laws on the books have been neglected and are not being enforced to guarantee the liberties of all Nigerian citizens who live or do business in states other than where their ancestors were born. People get killed with impunity by hoodlums and members of the police and armed forces and nothing happens to the perpetrators of the heinous crimes.
The elected politicians have remain corrupt and focused on serving very narrowly defined self, religious and ethnic interests that threaten the survival of all. Our legislators have abused their position to pass laws that make conviction of corrupt politicians almost impossible and secure their excessive and prohibitive remunerations by laws that should have no place in any accountable democracy. In a country with a minimum wage of less than twelve hundred dollars a year, the average legislator earns about eight hundred thousand dollars a year.
The Nigerian educated classes including those in the Diaspora have not made their voices heard. A greater majority of them continues to interact essentially within their own ethnic/tribal, religious or clannish divisions. The existing ethnic and religious organisations, being limited in resources and impact, cannot address the great challenges facing the Nigerian nation no matter their local impact. How can we as citizens of the Nigerian nation feel the sense of our common destiny, and fulfil the demand history makes on us?
Over the past few years, I have pondered over these issues and discussed them with a great many Nigerians, some of whom feeling there was no way to influence change in Nigeria, decided to give up their citizenships. Some of them have described Nigeria as a lost course and urged me to give up on a sinking ship. A fraction believes strongly that Nigerian problem stem from its structure and have refused to consider any solution that is not primarily geared towards enabling them achieve greater degree of monoethnic autonomy. I have also had several discussions on the current deterioration at home with some Nigerians who share a view that change for the better is possible. What these people have not unanimously agreed upon is the mode of change, the change agent, and the structural organization that would equitably replace the existing order.
With the development in the Middle East, and the increasing terrorist activities of Boko Haram, it is not unthinkable that the situation in Nigeria may suddenly change for the worst. What Nigeria does not need is a violent revolution that would result in loss of lives, destruction of properties and loss of any loss of the little gains we have made since independence. I would want to believe that no Nigerian wants Nigeria to end up like Somalia or Afghanistan. I have also been advised that the formation of a non-religious, non-ethnic, socio-political umbrella organization for all persons of Nigerian descent might help to facilitate a dialogue that will eventually influence political change in Nigeria. I think Nigerians in the Diaspora have a huge responsibility and obligation to catalyse the envisaged, desperately needed change in the motherland. I believe that there is a reason why each of us has had the opportunity to live and experience life outside Nigeria. Perhaps the time has come for us to play our part in the evolution of our country.
That is why I have been encouraged by Cephas Tardzer, a practicing Accountant living in the state of Florida, (USA) to write this letter and solicit the views of Nigerians and feelings about what�s happening in Nigeria, including your views and feelings about the possibility of forming an all-Nigerian socio-political organization that will transcend ethnic and religious boundaries, devoted to promoting national consciousness, integration, peace, evolving the structure for our coexistence and good governance.
Please let me hear from you at your earliest convenience what could be done to address the national problems that threaten Nigeria. It would be something morally inexplicable to do nothing at the time of one's country's greatest need no matter the constrains.
When you write, please state, whether you would like the proposed organization to be structured as a socio-cultural or political entity, any organizational articles and by-laws you would like to see incorporated in the organization�s document to ensure that it does not succumb to the problems that plague similar Nigerian organisations. The country in which you�d like the entity incorporated (USA, UK, or Nigeria). How and when its board of directors and executives should be elected and the mechanisms that needs to be put in place for holding them to account by members.
The corporate logo, other aims and objectives, and generally how to make the Organization successful in achieving the overriding object of electing honest and patriotic Nigerians into offices who would work for good and accountable government that is responsive to the wishes and aspiration of the greater majority of Nigerians. Please also offer suggestion about how to fund the organisation in view of the economic power of the people who we must oppose to make Nigeria better.
Thank you
Yours sincerely
E O Eke
Since sending this letter in 2011, I have had several discussions and suggestions from many people on how to make the idea work. These suggestions have been incorporated in the original idea that Nigeria needs a new organisation that will use the existing imperfect system to attempt to bring about the change we need in a civilised and democratic manner. First we need to lay a solid foundation on which to build this association. I can report that I have taken the first step in this long and arduous journey of one thousand miles which I know will take some time. I am very much aware that I may not see the victory when it will be achieved, but I have no doubt in my mind that this is the right solution if Nigerians wants Nigeria to continue to exist as a country. I believe that change happens when good men give impetus to their selfless ideas. I am also very much aware that everything that now exists in our world first existed in the mind of a man or woman who sort avenues to give reality to his thoughts, dreams or visions. Nigerians for Change has existed in my mind for more than four years. I have discussed it with some people. In the period, some other people have started a website with the same name and I welcome them but they have not done what I envisaged Nigerians for change will achieve. Hence my continue attempt to give reality to this dream to do something about the social decay and political criminality that has become endemic in Nigeria and liberate our country from fear of violence and the rule of the unscruplous. I have come to the conclusion that I can do more than writing articles about the problems of Nigeria and now determined to take practical steps to contribute to the development, emancipation and liberation of Nigeria from criminal leadership that sees power as avenue for self-enrichment. Our once beautiful country, which Achebe gloriously described in this book �there was country�, has been destroyed by corruption, toxic ethnic nationalism and religious intolerance. We cannot continue to respond with cold indifference in the face of this disaster. Each of us must ask the question, if I find good excuse to nothing to bring change to Nigeria, who do I expect to do it? We also have to accept that with all our prayers, that God cannot work if there are no one ready to act for cahnge. God works with the willing.
No one will save Nigerian but Nigerians. No amount of visiting world capitals or writing abusive articles about the ills of corrupt Nigerian leaders will take the place of organising and convincing Nigeria that change happens when good men are prepared to pay the price of change. A man whose house is on fire and refuses to look for water, may not salvage anything from the house. My response to Achebe�s lament is optimism that there will be a country and that that country will learn from its mistakes to fulfil its potential. There will be a Nigeria where those who wish to prevail be violence will be contained and held accountable. There will be a Nigeria where the rule of law will reign supreme and leaders, police officers and soldiers will be under the rule of law. There will be Nigeria where police will conduct real investigations and bring criminals to justice. There will a Nigeria where corrupt police officers, politicians and civil servants will go to prison and not benefit from their crimes as is the case at the moment. There will be a better Nigeria where drivers will take driving tests before going on the road, and teachers will teach for joy of inculcating knowledge and not for money alone.
This is why I have registered Nigerians for change to give good Nigerians opportunity to come together and do some good to redeem Nigeria, and enthrone a true democratic culture where the people will truly determine who exercises power over them and hold those who have broken the law accountable. I am convinced that once ordinary Nigerians grasp the inalienable truth, that the politicians do not have a greater stake than them in the country and its resources, they will accept the recipe for change through participation which is the principle that underpins Nigerian for change. Nigerian have to be made to realise that those who are in power at the moment like things they way they are and will not work for the change that threaten the underseversed privilaged advantage they currently enjoy.
When one looks at the behaviour of Nigerian politicians, one sees a similarity with the behaviour of drug dealers. Their desperation and ruthlessness and their resort to violence, subterfuge and abuse of statutory institutions and positions are akin to the behaviour of drug dealers and criminals involved in organised crimes. Their use of kidnapping gangs and murder squad and abuse of paramilitary positions and powers will be brought to an end. The Nigerian military has all it takes to end the current unrest in the north, east and Niger delta and they will get the power and resources and training they need to make Nigeria safe again. Never again will they be sent to quell unrest and their hands tied behind their back. Those who take up arms against Nigeria and engage in acts of terror, kidnaping and killing of innocent citizens to advance their cause, will be offered a choice to join the political process and pursue their aims through civil means or face the full might of the state. The new Nigeria will not negotiate with terrorist or armed gangs who find reason to justify the use of terror to achieve their objectives. The new Nigeria will not offer amnesty where presecution and rule of law should take their normal course no matter who is involved or his relationship with the president.
The return on political offices in Nigeria is disproportionate and excessive. This will be addressed in the new Nigeria. No other country, rewards politicians at the expense of the development of the country as Nigeria is doing at the moment. This is not right and only people who reject the status quo will be minded to do all that is required to change it. Nigeria will once again have a choice to choose who and how they want to be governed The solution would be to review the remuneration and powers of politicians to bring it in line with what sincere people who want to serve the country will find adequate. Nigeria is committing political deliberate self-harm and will finally commit suicide, if the people do not rise up and demand change of the status quo. Unlike some people, I do not believe that Nigeria needs Rawlings' or Arab spring type of revolution. the revolution Nigeria needs is revolution of political participation and the taking of responsibility by the people to make their votes counts and claim their existing rights in oour imperfect cnstitution and this we can do without the need to shed innocent blood. Nigerians for change is one of the honest, peaceful and lawful ways to begin the Nigerian recovery journey and I urge you to commit to a better Nigeria by participation.
To be continued.
Continued from Part 1
Aims and objectives of the Nigerians for Change
e the citizens of Nigeria in order to form the best possible federation united on civil and democratic values, establish justice, equality before the law, ensure internal tranquillity, provide for common development, promote the welfare of all, secure individual liberty and human dignity, safeguard national unity, territorial integrity and sovereign independence of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, do ordain and establish this aims and objective for Nigerians for Change NC hereafter referred to as �the Association�.
- To establish a democratic political association, governed under the rule of law, anchored on justice, equality, liberty, tolerance, transparency, and good governance. An all-Nigerian socio-political organization that will transcend ethnic and religious boundaries, devoted to promoting national consciousness, integration, peace, evolving the structure for our coexistence and good governance.
- To become an effective democratic non-ethnic, non-religious, ideological political organisation that operates on the best of democratic principles in the best interests of the members and the people to achieve good governance in Nigeria
- To help establish a free, democratic and prosperous Nigeria, under the rule of law, governed according to a constitution written by people elected by the people and adopted by the people in a referendum.
- To promote national dialogue, a free and independent press and discourage the use of violence in the pursuit of political and religious objectives and to give every region of Nigeria a true sense of belonging, by promoting a national identity and diversity through the establishment of true Federalism.
- To promote conditions and an environment that would enable Nigerians embrace tolerance, civil and honest values and work together to build a new nation which would guarantee social justice, equal opportunities, and respect for human life and dignity for all.
- To canvass for membership all over the country and beyond and solicit for electoral support for the attainment of political power through democratic means and process.
- To promote through democratic means, the emergence of earnest and trustworthy candidates to contest elections on the Association�s platform and manifesto at all levels, on the platform of any other political organisation that shares the aims and objectives of Nigerians for change.
- To protect individual liberty, work to eliminate and or ameliorate poverty and uphold equality of all before the law.
- To promote the equality of all before the law and eliminate all forms of discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, religion, indigenousness, disability, life or sexual life style preferences; a free Nigeria where all are accountable to the law and the government work in partnership for the best interest of the people.
- To promote enlightenment through education, encourage a reading culture, investment in research, especially scientific (Physical, Bio-Medical, technological, chemical and Agricultural) and other aspects of knowledge and learning.
- To organise Nigeria in the most economical and politically expedient structure that would enable the nation states to best achieve their self-determination, fight for justice and develop
- To pursue policies that ensure that quality education is available to all Nigerians between the ages of five and twenty-one in a way and manner that would ensure that individual ability to pay would not be a hindrance.
- To promote a national health and social policy that would ensure accessible healthcare for all Nigerians, where money would not change hand at the point of need.
- To ensure the preservation of the environment, conservation of our natural resources, wild life and national treasures; and fight environmental degradation and pollution.
- To promote university autonomy, academic freedom and independence of thought.
Philosophy of the Association: NC believes in the
- Existence of Nigeria as an indivisible geographical entity which should be governed in the best interest of the citizens under the rule of law.
- Right of individuals to freedom of conscience, own properties and pursue happiness.
- Economy in which the government works in partnership with individuals and organisation for the best interest of the country.
- Right of individual to freedom of thoughts, speech and expression.
- Existence of an independent, free, accountable and responsible press
- Freedom of information and transparent government.
- Equality of all before the law.
- Protection and defence of individual liberty.
- Promotion of civil and good moral values and principles.
- Creating conducive democratic environment for honest and conscientious citizens of Nigeria to offer themselves for service and leadership in order to develop our country and enable it to assume its rightful place amongst the community of nations.
- Principles of the fundamental human rights and sacredness of life.
- Believes in an effective, sensitive, decisive and redemptive criminal justice system that puts the victim of crimes at its centre, ensures justice to the accused and enables the guilty to pay the price of misdeed, reflect and contribute to the cost of justice in a fair, just and equitable manner.
The Association is owned by the members, and currently registered in Britain as a not for profit limited liability company, and membership of the association is open to all citizens of Nigerian citizens, living either in Nigeria or abroad, irrespective of their religious beliefs, ethnic group, circumstance of birth, gender, any personal preferences, social and economic status, on the payment of a registration fee of one hundred dollars or equivalent for voting members or ten dollars or nothing for nominal members and can pay their membership fee in small instalments over time to become voting members, and filling of membership application form and acceptance of the provisions of the aims and objectives and constitution of Nigerians for change; provided that:
- The person has attended the age of 18 years at the time of application.
- Serving Public Officer, a member of the Armed Forces of Nigeria, the Police or a Traditional Ruler who choose to become member can be admitted as dormant or none participatory members. They would not be allowed to take part in party electioneering activities or stand for elections into party offices while still active in their roles.
- Application for membership shall be on individual basis. However joint application can also be made.
- A prospective member shall register on line, by telephone, request for application forms by post or at any other office or branch of the party that is convenient.
- After registration, members would be given a membership certificate which they may be required to present as evidence of their membership anywhere.
- Only members who are up to date with their financial obligations to the association are eligible to stand for offices and or vote at association�s elections and every member has only one vote at all elections..
Obligations of members:
- Members of the Association shall be obligated to affirm the association�s aims and objectives and conduct themselves in ways and manners that shall not bring the association to disrepute, public odium or inconsistent with the association�s constitution.
- Shall also observe the rules and regulations embedded in the constitution of the association
- Members shall pay all legitimate, fees and agreed dues and levies that the organisation may solicit in the pursuit of the aims and objectives of the Association.
- Members are obliged to participate in the activities of the association e.g. canvassing for membership, election campaigns, rallies, fund raising functions, community services and attend organisation�s meetings. It will be an offence to induce people to vote for an individual by any other means apart from persuasion and the force of one�s argument
Rights and Privileges of Membership
- A fully registered members of the Association, who are in good and regular standing, shall have the right to vote and be voted for into any of the elective positions of the Association.
- A member shall enjoy all the privileges of the Association and shall be entitled to be appointed or elected to any committee of the Association either by the executive committee or the members present and voting at the meeting or convention.
- All members of the association are to join at least one interest group and not more than two.
- All members are entitled to protection and assistance by the association in their search for justice or the enforcement of their fundamental human rights.
Register of Members
A register of members shall be kept and maintained at every level of the Association�s Secretariat, provided always that every such level of the Association shall update its membership records from time to time. It shall be the responsibility of a member to ensure that his/her name is duly entered in the association�s Register.
Termination of Membership
Membership of the Association shall be terminated by death, resignation or expulsion.
- Upon resignation or expulsion, a member shall be legally obliged to return to the Association all its properties in his/her possession.
- Upon the death of a member, his/her next-of-kin shall be similarly obliged.
Duties of the Association:
- To carry out the democratic wishes of the members in accordance with the association�s constitution.
- To provide the political environment for members to aspire to political offices to serve and change Nigeria for good.
- To provide support to members in attempt to enforce their fundamental human rights, fight for injustice and confront corruption.
- To carry out all the other duties of a political Association for the interest of the members and country.
Continued from Part 1
E O Eke is qualified in medicine. At various times he has been a General medical practitioner, Medical missionary, Medical Director and senior medical officer of health in Nigeria. He specializes in child, Adolescent and adult psychiatry and lives in England with his family. His interest is in health, religion philosophy and politics. He cares for body and mind.