Accra, July 29, GNA- Ghana and Mali have signed a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) between their Ministries of Foreign Affairs for the joint monitoring and implementation of the sessions of the Permanent Joint Commission for Cooperation (PJCC). The MOU, which was signed at the closing ceremony of the 11th Session of the Ghana-Mali Permanent Joint Commission on Cooperation in Accra, on Friday, was to ensure effective implementation of the decisions of the PJCC for the benefit of the citizens of both countries.
In line with this, the two countries have agreed to meet during the third quarter of 2012 to evaluate the progress of the implementation of agreed decisions and programs, in order to address challenges identified.
They also agreed to set up a Standing Committee, consisting of the co-chairmen of the five working groups, established during the 11th session, to follow, monitor and evaluate the implementation of the decisions of the session in their respective areas of competence. The five working groups were: the Trade Industry, Finance and Investment, Transport, Energy, Agriculture and Environment, Research and Development, Employment and Social Welfare, Education, Health, Culture, Sports, Tourism, Security, Defence, Foreign Affairs and Legal and Judicial matters.
The Session also yielded several agreements geared towards improving relations between Ghana and Mali in the areas covered by the working groups, which were included in a joint communiqu=E9 signed by the Ghanaian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration and the Malian Minister of Foreign Affairs and international Cooperation at the closing ceremony.
Some of the agreements included the organization of meetings between the customs administrations of both countries, to help find solutions to problems hindering trade, provision of broad information to the customs administrations and economic operators within the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) region on the form and content of documents required for cross-border trade and popularizing the investment codes of the two countries so as to attract investors.
The communiqu=E9 said the two parties would also take political decisions to adopt the necessary stringent policies to address the issue of sustainable environmental management, stressing that, 93poorly managed environment threatens the health and food security of the respective peoples"….
Copyright, Blaise APLOGAN, 2010,© Bienvenu sur Babilown
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