The gastronomic inclinations of many an African, matched against the dietary provisions at many international – non African – conferences make for interesting analysis.
By and large, it would appear that if the combined views of the Ghanaians, Nigerians and Ugandans are anything to go by, the African diet is by far richer in spice and style.
The European diet on the other hand is …well, anything but spicy. Actually, dour and colorless would be more like it- a wicked combination that has conspired to rob many an African of belly-full enjoyment at these events.
Ojigwe arrived weary and hungry from Lagos.
“Can I get some food to eat?” he thundered.
“Well, you could get some bread … a tuna sandwich and a drink…”
Ojigwe is outraged. “We want real food o, madam. What kind bread be dis?!”
Copyright, Blaise APLOGAN, 2010,© Bienvenu sur Babilown
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