Perfidious Christmas Gift The news came on December 25, Christmas day, like a bomb, a shock to the opinion. Generating emotion in street conversations, reactions of personalities that count in Benin, embarrassment of lawyers and tension in political circles : it is all about the arrest and sending into custody of Simon-Pierre Adovelande, the national coordinator for the Millennium Challenge Account Program, the most successful and best managed in Africa. The arrest confirms, if need be, the intention of the regime of president Yayi Boni to challenge any potential presidential candidate in 2011. Simon Peter Adovelande had hitherto resisted every maneuver designed to push him down from his top position. For much of the opinion, the Government wants to "kill" a man previously known for his honesty.
After 05 days of what can be considered a mental torture, the coordinator of the Millennium Challenge Account, was served a warrant. Thus, since last Tuesday, December 29, 2009, he is detained in the civil prison of Cotonou. Isaac Agossou, one of the leaders of the Bezaleel Building Group (GBB) of which Simon Pierre Adovelande was the President of the Board, does not escape this charge. The decision of the Court of Cotonou drove mad a boiling crowd of supporters of the defendants and angered the lawyers of the main accused. "This detention is a government order” said indignantly Joseph DJOGBENOU.
Mr. Yayi Boni who entered early in presidential campaign for the forthcoming presidential election in 2011, is determined to wage a preventive war to any serious candidate likely to unsettle his image. Since his massive election in March 2006 he is obsessed with one concern: being re-elected. And for that, he looks forward to camp alone the figure of the brilliant manager which the Beninese voters approved of. But after several years in power his proofs and deeds in this field are far from convincing voters who bite their fingers for having believed his promises of change and emergence. So far, for most Beninese nothing has really changed, apart from poverty that worsened. This reality adds to the irritation of a president determined to eliminate by any means his potential rivals. This obscure and somewhat unfair determination is likely to explain the legal embarrassment of a man who, until then, was nationally and internationally reckoned and praised for his integrity and good management.
Binason Avèkes
Copyright, Blaise APLOGAN, 2009,© Bienvenu sur Babilown
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