Is it possible to change Benin by continuous political campaign ?
After 3 years of observation and with two years of apprehension ahead, the question is worth asking in order to help understand that it is not enough, by way of assessment of one’s policy, to make the list of construction sites coped with in 3 years.
We must also appreciate the way our society is changing. And this is what becomes of a society in perpetual campaign. It is crossed by a poorly managed contradiction between, on the one hand, the immediate satisfaction of some punctual needs by a government in a permanent campaign, and secondly, the resolution, thanks to the contribution of all, of the problems of the society in terms of structures, institutions, collective practices and social systems.
To keep campaigning, the welfare state spends its "enchanted bag" (to quote a mayor) and the generosity of the "Doctor" continues at the discretion of its moods and impulses, with the encouragement of the local areas in which people organize themselves and compete for thanksgiving ceremonies and marches of support. It is better not to ask about where the money that funds all these incessant demonstrations comes from. Because it’s origin is a common knowledge. It is better simply to note, infortunately, and find a strong indication in the fact that the machinery of communication and the official discourse did not believe they need to communicate, in direction of both leaders and citizens, less popular messages, yet essential, like those advocating more patience, more discipline, more sacrifice. Indeed, to communicate such messages it is necessary to be out of political campaign.
It would have proved necessary to really solve the problems at their roots and in the long term, not just treat their symptoms. It would have been necessary to begin the difficult phase of a methodical, systematic and long run work.
Our change in Benin is so easy, so glorious and triumphant that it raises questions and doubts.
Who does not remember how quickly, on the very evening of his election, Barack Obama moved from the ignited language of campaign to the realism of power managing? Benin, learn and beware.
Abbot André S. Quenum
Trad. Binason Avèkes
Copyright, Blaise APLOGAN, 2008, © Bienvenu sur Babilown